Curriculum Statements

Please click on the links below for our curriculum statements:

English        Mathematics        Phonics        Reading        Science        Physical Education        Religious Education        Geography        History

Design Technology        Art & Design        Computing        Music        Languages        PSHE & SMSC

Please click on the relevant year group below to view the detailed Curriculum Map.

Nursery            Pre-school            Reception            Year 1            Year 2            Year 3            Year 4            Year 5           Year 6

To find out more about our curriculum please follow the links below or contact our Curriculum Leader, Mrs. Rosie Little, via the ‘Contact Us’ page.

Curriculum Intent

Ernesettle Community School’s Curriculum intent is to help our children achieve the highest possible standard and provide a rich, broad and balanced curriculum. We have developed our spiral curriculum on the National Curriculum and around the enrichment of purposeful visits and activities, designed to enhance vocabulary, build curiosity and engage children with delight and enthusiasm to learn. We seek to help our children develop lively, creative, enquiring minds and provide them with the skills and knowledge which will prepare them for successful, healthy lives in the everchanging world in which they live.

Education influences and reflects the values of society and the kind of society we want to be. It is important therefore, to recognise a set of common values and purposes that underpin the curriculum at Ernesettle Community School and enable the school to achieve its curriculum aims, which are: General Ethos, Relating to Self, Relating to Others, Managing Learning and Managing Situations. We strive to provide a creative curriculum, underpinned by British values, to develop every pupil and provide them with enriching opportunities and experiences to allow them to be happy, successful, lifelong learners in modern Britain.

The Curriculum Intent is largely inspired by the school’s Vision Statement, “always striving to be outstanding, transforming the aspirations of a community.”

Please click on the link below to open our Curriculum Intent, Aims and Vision document.

Curriculum Intent, Aims and Vision